København, foråret 2025.
Event fredag den 11.april 2025 og dagretreat lørdag den 12.april 2025.
Fredag eftermiddag den 11. april 2025, kl. 17-19 ved Den buddhistisk nonne Ajarn MC Brigitte Schrottenbacher, Thailand
Sted: Østbanegade 13, 2100 København Ø, tæt ved Østerport Station og metro.
Den Buddhistiske nonne Ajarn MC Brigitte Schrottenbacher genbesøger København, foråret 2025.
MC Brigitte har ordineret i to buddhistiske traditioner: theravada fra Thailand 1990 og Vajrayana fra Bhutan 2014 (drukpa kagyue tradition).Mere information: www.meditationthailand.org
Denne aften vil der være en unik mulighed for at møde en buddhistiske nonne, der som helt ung traf en store beslutning om at forlade sin familie og hjemlandet Østrig for at leve i meditationskloster i Thailand.
Det bliver en aften, hvor vi vil meditere og der kan stilles spørgsmål omkring meditation, Buddhisme etc. Eksistentielle spørgsmål som du er optaget er meget kærkomne.
Klassiske spørgsmål har tidligere været: Hvordan kan jeg opnå et mere glædesfyldt liv ? Hvordan vi kan leve med sorg ? Hvorfor meditere ? Hvad er essensen i Buddhisme ? Hvorfor leve et liv som nonne ?
Om tilmeldingen:
Der er plads til et begrænset antal deltagere.
Tilmeld dig ved at sende en mail til [email protected]
Du er endelig tilmeldt, når gebyret er indbetalt på konto: Lån og Spar 0400-4017094063 eller mobilpay 26630173
Ved aflysning kan pladsen overdrages til en anden person.
Gebyr : 175 danish kr. / 23 euro per person samt evt. donation til MC Brigitte Schrottenbacher.
Undervisningssprog: engelsk
In English:
Event, Friday 11.th april 2025, 5 am - 7 am by the Buddhist nun and meditation teacher MC Brigitte Schrottenbacher. Thailand
The Buddhist nun Ajarn Mae Che Brigitte Schrottenbacher will visit Copenhagen again, springtime 2025.
MC Brigitte has been ordained in two Buddhist traditions: theravada from Thailand 1990 and vajrayana from Bhutan 2014 (drukpa kagyue tradition).
More information: www.meditationthailand.org
This evening there will be a unique opportunity to meet a person who has many years of personal experience with meditation and who with patience and perseverance conveys the meditative practice and the Buddha’s teaching..
This evening there will be an opportunity to meditate, ask all sorts of questions and receive answers regarding: what can you contribute to achieve a more joyful life ? How can we live with grief ? Why meditate? What is the essence of Buddhism? Why live a life as a nun?
MC Brigitte appears with deep meditative experience and conveys the Buddha doctrine with an unpretentiousness that will hopefully inspire most people. Everyone is welcome !
Language: English
About the registration: There will be a limited number of participants.
Sign up by sending an email to [email protected]
You are finally registered, when the fee has been paid into the account: Lån og Spar 0400-4017094063
In case of cancellation, the place can be transferred to another person.
Fee: 175 DKK / 23 EUR per person and donation to MC Brigitte
v/ den buddhistiske nonne Ajarn Mae Che Brigitte Schrottenbacher, Thailand
Lørdag den 12.april 2025, kl. 10-18
Sted: Østbanegade 13, 2100 København Ø, tæt ved Østerport station og metro.
Dagen vil veksle mellem siddende, stående, liggende og gående meditation.
MC Brigitte underviser i vipassana-meditation, samatha-meditation, kropskontemplation og metta-meditation. Praksis tilpasses deltagernes behov.
I løbet af dagen vil der være mulighed for Q og A.
Der afholdes dharma tale sidst på dagen
Om læreren: MC Brigitte Schrottenbacher har ordineret i to buddhistiske traditioner: theravada fra Thailand 1989 (Mahasi Sayadaw) og vajrayana fra Bhutan 2014 (drukpa kagyue tradition).
Undervisnings sprog: engelsk
Praktisk: Der vil være te/kaffe og frugt i løbet af dagen.
Medbring venligst din egen frokost.
Der vil være stole til rådighed samt lidt yogamåtter. Medbring gerne dit eget meditationsudstyr.
Om tilmeldingen: Der er et begrænset antal deltagere.
Tilmeld dig ved at sende en mail til [email protected].
Du er endelig tilmeldt, når retreat gebyret er indbetalt på konto: Lån og Spar 0400-4017094063 eller Mobilpay 26630173
Ved aflysning kan pladsen overdrages til en anden person.
Retreat gebyr: 675,00 DKK/ 90 EUR til dækning af udgifter til undervisers rejse, lokaleleje mv. + dana.
In English:
Day Retreat saturday 12.april 2025 , 10 am - 6 pm by the buddhistisk nun and meditation teacher MC Brigitte Schrottenbacher, Thailand
The day will alternate between sitting, standing, lying and walking meditation.
MC Brigitte teaches various methods of buddhist practice: vipassana meditation, and several practices of samatha meditation like body contemplation and metta meditation.
Usually practices are adjusted to the needs of the student.
During the day there will be an opportunity for Q and A and if requested individual interviews with the teacher. Dharma talk is held in the late afternoon
About the teacher: MC Brigitte has ordination in two buddhist traditions: theravada fromThailand 1989 and vajrayana from Bhutan 2014 (drukpa kagyue tradition).
Teaching Language: english
Practical: There will be tea /coffee and fruit/nuts during the day.
Please bring your own lunch.
Chairs will be provided and a limited number of yoga mats will be available, please bring your own meditation equipment.
About the registration: There will be a limited numbers of participants.
Register by sending an email to [email protected].
You are finally registered when the retreat fee has been paid into the account: Lån og Spar 0400-4017094063.
In case of cancellation, the place can be transferred to another person.
Retreat fee: DKK 675 / 90 EUR to cover costs for teachers travel, room rent, etc. + dana

"Each time you find the mind wandering off and you bring it back, that’s strengthening a very essential skill — the skill to get your mind off a bad topic and bring it back to a good one. Even though this may happen many times, the fact that you’re able to come back many times is a good sign. At the same time, you’re also developing the observer inside, what in some circles they call meta-consciousness — the ability to watch your own mind, to observe your own mind from the outside, and not get sucked into all of its stories and moods. The moods and the stories are one thing, but your awareness is something else. Each time you pull out of a thought world, you strengthen that sense of the separate observer. And that’s a very useful skill as you go through the day."
~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu
"The Heart to Keep Going"