Litteratur, til inspiration Analayo, Bhikkhu: Satipatthana Meditation, A practical guide, Windhorse Publication, 2018 Batchelor Martine, Meditation for Life, Wisdom Publications, 2001 Brændgaard, Per og Uffe Damborg, Mindful spisning, Pretty Ink, 2012 Brændgaard, Per og Uffe Damborg, Mindful Eating Awareness, Northern Light Press, 2013 Dhammapada, A New translation of the Buddhist Classic with Annotations, Gill Fronsdal, Shambala, Boston 2006 Elsass, Peter: Buddhas veje - En introduktion til buddhistisk psykologi, Dansk psykologisk Forlag, 2011 Marie Ericsson: Kom och se - om meditation og theravada buddhisme, Vipassanagruppen, 2011 Gunaratana, Henepola: Mindfulness in plain English, Wisdoms publications, 2011 Gunaratana, Henepola: Eight mindful steps to happines, Walking the Buddha's path, Wisdoms publications, 2001 Goldstein, Joseph: Mindfulness, A practical Guide to Awakening, Sound True, 2013 Goldstein, Joseph: One Dharma, The Emerging Western Buddhisme, Harper One, 2003 Goldstein, Joseph : The experience of insight, Shambala,1987 Goldstein, Joseph og Jack Kornfield: Seeking the Heart of Wisdom, Shamabala, 1987 Kheme, Ayya: Being Nobody, going Nowhere, meditations on the Buddhist Path, Wisdom, 2001 Kheme, Ayya: I give you my life, The autobiography of a western Buddhist nun, Shambala, 2000 Kheme, Ayya: Who Is My Self ? A Guide to Buddhist Meditation, Wisdom, 2001 Knaster, Mirka: Living This Life Fully, Stories and teachings of Munindra, Shambala, 2010 Kornfield, Jack: A Path with the Heart, A guide through the perils and promises of spiritual life, Bantam Books, 1993 Kornfield, Jack: Meditation for begyndere, incl. CD, Borgen 2009 Mahasi Sayadaw: The Progress of Insight,1944 . Mahasi Sayadaw, Manual of Insight, Wisdom publication, 2016 Nyanaponika Thera: The Heart of Buddhist Meditation, Weisers books, 2014 Pandita,U, Sayadaw: In this very Life, The liberation teaching of the Buddha, Wisdom, 1992 Rosenberg, Larry: Breath by Breath. The Liberating Practice of Insight Meditation. Shambala, 1998 Salzberg, Sharon: The Force of Kindness, Change Your Life With Love and Compassion, incl. CD, Sounds True, 2010 Schmidt, Army Dipa Ma, The life and legacy of a Buddhist master, Windhorse Publication, 2005 Shankman, Richard: The Experience of Samadhi. An In-depth Exploration of Buddhist Meditation., Shambhala, 2008 Se også: